Getting Ready The Chesapeake Bay The Great Dismal Swamp North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida

Roni Tails Sea Tales and Other Stories Pictures of Doublewide Mayaca Railroad Bridge



I loved Georgia - I was told by some boaters that it is a giant bore. All the same from beginning to end. How wrong they are. True, there is a lot of salt marsh and it does wind around and makes you feel like you are on some seagoing switchbacks. But there was far less endless suburbia and a lot more of what it must have been like 100 years ago.
But every day I had there was lovely, all the people were friendly and I didn't get to stay nearly long enough.

Getting Ready The Chesapeake Bay The Great Dismal Swamp North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida

Roni Tails Sea Tales and Other Stories Pictures of Doublewide Mayaca Railroad Bridge